March 2, 2019

The East African Consortium for Clinical Research (EACCR) in collaboration with the University of Lausanne, Switzerland and Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) is offering training opportunities to promising East African Scientist interested in building career in clinical trial capacities in the area of vaccinology. This programme known as International Masters in Vaccinology (IMVACC) comprises one year of on-line teaching of vaccinology followed by a 6 months to one year specialization internship in a vaccine-related activity (industry, basic or translational research, regulatory affairs, etc.) including the preparation of a master's thesis. Graduates will gain a broad knowledge of how vaccines are designed, developed, manufactured and implemented through public health programs. The programme will consist of 4 theoretical modules in the first year of study totaling 40ECTS (1200 study hours) followed with a Master’s thesis in the second year carrying 20ECTS (600 study hours). Some examinations will be done online while others will be done during face to face sessions that will require the candidate to travel to Lausanne University. A total of three (3) face to face sessions for the whole duration will be attended.